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Perfectly Too Far Page 4
Perfectly Too Far Read online
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“Uh, hey,” she said nervously, setting the cupcake back down. “I asked Corbin if it was...”
“Oh, it's fine. I know. I can't blame you, the pool is very relaxing. Mind if I join?”
She wasn't sure if she did, or didn't, want him in the pool with her. Sinking lower, letting her arms fall into the water, she tried to calm her voice. “It's your pool.”
His grin was a bit toothy, his movements graceful as he shut the doors and approached. Watching him move, she was reminded of how he had called her own motions 'beautiful' before. Once again, she wondered how he could ever think such a thing.
I'm a clutz, he's the one with the perfect balance and grace.
She wanted to say something, anything, to break the silence.
And then he took his shirt off.
It was a quick process, his fingers hooking at the hem, tugging it over his head. Still, Judith felt like she was watching it in slow motion. She had know he was in shape, she could tell from his slim figure in his well fit clothing, but this... His torso was solid, the body of a runner.
A line led the way down his sternum, like a path taking the eye on a journey of perfection. He was pale all over, but not unhealthy looking. Creamy white, certainly not something she could judge.
He's way too sexy, lord. This is like some ridiculous cologne ad or something.
Benedict slid into the water, hardly making a sound. The pool wasn't gigantic, but it seemed even smaller suddenly as he made his way down to her. In the shallows, his eyes glinted. She was acutely aware of the fact she was wearing only a bikini.
I wonder if he thinks I look anywhere near as good as he does. My goodness, he must work out twenty-four hours a day!
“Nice, right?” she blurted, looking for a topic.
“Yes,” he agreed, leaning on the edge beside her. Judith thought, if he leaned over, their shoulders might touch. “So, how is the mural coming?”
“Oh, uh, good. I mean,” she corrected herself, trying not to ogle his chest, “slow. Sort of. I did the base setting, can't really do much actual painting till tomorrow.”
“I see,” he mused, looking upwards at the sky. It was cloudy, making Judith wish for twinkling stars to complete this hilariously picturesque scenario. “Hmn. How early can you start tomorrow?”
Blinking, she peeked at his face, studying his strong profile. “How early can Corbin pick me up?”
“As early as you need, really. But, like I said, you can stay the night.” His eyes shifted back to her, serious, unblinking. They held her like a mouse about to be attacked by a snake, and the comparison of being prey made her shiver.
“I know. Maybe another time. I think tonight, I'll go home.”
He nodded, then closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the pool till it brushed his chin. She joined him, letting it tickle her ears. The water was wonderful, but she didn't shut her eyes.
For some time, they drifted in silence.
Judith was awash in both the water, and her thoughts. I still don't think I'm getting the whole picture here. So, this guy doesn't seem to be married, but he's rolling in money and might as well be a fitness model. I don't even know how old he is, late twenties? Either way, guys like this aren't single.
Also, why do I even care if he is or isn't available!?
Shooting a covert look at Benedict, how his face was so peaceful, but still dashing, she felt a flutter of frustration. Right, I don't have a chance with this guy. He likes my art, that's all. Isn't it?
The kitchen doors slid open, a shadow casting onto both of them. Looking up, she saw Corbin standing there, two towels in his hands. “Excuse me, but dinner is ready, if you two are hungry.”
She glanced at the plate of cupcakes, blushing red as a beet as she imagined Benedict judging her. “I'm actually full. Honestly, would you mind taking me home, Corbin? I could use some rest.”
“That's a good idea,” Benedict nodded, pulling himself from the pool, water cascading down every inch of his hard figure. She knew she was gawking, so she yanked her eyes away, wondering if either of the men had noticed.
Benedict reached down, so she let him help her out of the pool. Standing there, dripping wet and exposed in her bikini, she self-consciously hurried to grab the towel, wrapping it around herself.
“Well, Ms. Flight,” Benedict smiled, offering a damp palm. “It was a pleasure, I'll see you tomorrow.”
She shook his hand, then followed Corbin inside. Upstairs, she hurried to change, not wanting to make anyone wait around for her. When she returned, she saw the pair of men talking softly, but they stopped as soon as they spotted her.
“Goodnight, Benedict,” she waved, unsure if she should shake his hand again or not. Ugh, I'm so awkward.
He inclined his head, vanishing into the kitchen. As he went, she caught herself staring at his naked, broad shoulders, his waist still wrapped in the towel.
Corbin opened the door for her, together they exited.
The drive back was just as lovely at night, the city below lit up like a Christmas tree. It was faster, as well, with far less traffic. They pulled up outside of her apartment, she slid out once Corbin opened her door. Smiling, she went to say farewell, but he stopped her when he offered a packet of papers.
“Oh,” she blinked, taking them carefully. “My copy of the contract. Thanks.”
“Mr. Vance asked me to give you that. He wanted me to remind you to read over the rules once more.”
Flushing, like she had been chided, she lifted her chin. “Fine, I promise.” Read the rules again, what is this?
“Good night, Ms. Flight, see you in the morning.” He bowed his head, and she gave a slight wave, watching him drive off quietly into the night.
Chapter 5.
As promised, Corbin came early in the morning. And, unlike she had promised, she hadn't read her contract at all. So, when she was asked about this by Benedict after she had arrived, she gave her most fake smile and exclaimed:
“Of course I read it!”
He didn't inquire further, that seemed to satisfy him.
She didn't see Benedict at all at the point she started painting. Assuming he had vanished to work on 'important' things, as he had yesterday, she didn't put much thought into it. But sometime into starting her first splotches of color, she felt the intense gaze of someone on her back. Turning, she spotted Benedict standing in the foyer below, his blue eyes hot on her as she painted.
Why is he watching me, does he think I'll make a mistake?
Trying to ignore him, she focused on her art. Blues melted into yellows, blacks danced with reds, her colors starting to blend and form the vague hint of what was in her head. The longer she kept at it, the easier it was to forget her audience. Soon, Judith was only aware of her own motions.
She lived art, breathed art, her body twisting as it made wide swatches or dainty details. This was her craft, this was what she loved, and it came out in the results.
Below her, Benedict couldn't look away.
The sound of the doorbell, loud and crisp throughout the mansion, ripped Judith from her reverie. Jerking around, confused, she watched below as someone moved towards the front door. It wasn't Benedict, she realized, but Corbin.
Wondering when Benedict had left, or where he was, she looked on as the chauffeur opened the front door. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but certainly not what walked through that entry way.
Dark, ebony and smoke, the pair that entered were clad head to toe in expensive, slightly strange, formal wear. On their faces were masks, hiding their expressions and identities. She was sure she wouldn't have known them anyway.
Corbin bowed his head, then motioned them inside, shutting the door. Judith leaned on the railing, curiosity bubbling hot. Together, the trio approached the red door below the winding staircase. She held back a gasp when Corbin opened it.
Just like that, the strangers were gone, the portal shutting softly behind them.
Finally, Cor
bin looked up at her, as if silently daring her to speak. Biting her tongue, she turned away nervously, trying to decide what to make of that brief event.
Who were those people, and why did they go in that door? What's down there?
Lifting her brush, she did her best to ignore the situation, returning to painting.
The doorbell rang again.
Judith peeked over her shoulder, pretending she was working, trying to be sly. Corbin was already letting in a new group, this time consisting of five people. As before, they were dressed nicely, but their masks hid who they might be. She could identify some as women, some as men, by their shapes; yet that was all.
Escorted to that alluring door, they vanished behind it in silence. Corbin didn't bother glancing at her, but she assumed he knew she was staring. This is strange, is their a party going on I didn't know about?
Frowning in thought, Judith squinted at the wall, trying to force herself to focus.
It was too difficult, especially as the guests began arriving faster and faster. Soon, she abandoned all pretense, just standing by the rail to watch.
One of the visitors, a man in an elaborate gold mask of feathers, black boots that seemed intended to intimidate, looked her way. His lips coiled into a smirk below that shining mask, an expression that made her heart thrum, her stomach clench. It was the sort of look that promised things. She couldn't see his eyes, but she imagined they were smoldering.
And then, like the rest, he was gone.
Eventually, no more came, and Corbin vanished from the main room. Alone, nothing guarding her from that strange door, Judith felt her blood racing. She was warm with excitement, wanting so badly to run down the stairs, to just look beyond that secret portal.
Peering down at herself, the paint stained jeans and messy shirt, she wrinkled her nose. I can't risk looking inside, and I'm obviously out of place. What if someone saw me? She shivered at the concept. What if Benedict found out?
Tapping her cheek, she gave up with a frustrated pout. There was simply no way to manage it, how could she even attempt it?
Feeling exhausted, nervous about facing Corbin and his accusing eyes, the young woman wandered down the hall to the guest room. She wasn't set on sleeping there, but as she explored the place, tested the plush bed, discovered the private bathroom... she felt her resistance waning.
It would be nice to be able to sleep here, waking up to paint at my leisure.
Kicking off her shoes, her attention wandered to the bureau where she had found the bikini the night before. Squinting, she shifted her attention to the big closet, wondering if the contents could be as grand as the mansion.
Instantly, as she pulled open the double doors, she had no doubt.
Inside, there were hangers upon hangers of different outfits. Deeper, she found drawers and cupboards of shoes and more. Gaping, she stepped further in, finding the dangling chain of a light. Illuminated, the space seemed even wider, like something out of a magazine.
Touching the soft dresses, silk tops, comfortable fitness wear, she started laughing. Amazing. All this, just sitting here? Opening some drawers, she continued to find intriguing items. Bracelets, hats, sunglasses, she even found makeup. It boggled the mind, and Judith almost stepped out, her skin tingling with unease.
Why keep all this, what's the point?
Then, her eyes fell on a chest in the corner. Curious, for how could she not be, the girl crouched down and brushed her hand over the surface. It didn't seem old, but who kept things like elaborate chests around? Gingerly, she popped the lid. Inside, she found treasure.
It was exactly what she had been looking for, even though she hadn't realized it. Judith dipped her arms into the chest, and pulled out the most perfect of finds.
An ornate mask.
It was a risk, and she knew that. She knew it in her trembling skin, deep in her bones.
If Benedict finds out, I don't want to know what he'll do. I could be risking that letter to college.
Despite this, she slipped out of the guest room, peering over the railing. In the main room below, she saw no one, not even Corbin. The red door was closed as ever, calling to her with the promise of secrets, and answers. It was good, she felt, that no one was around. In her current ensemble, she would have been startlingly obvious.
Black velvet down to her ankles, strapless and smooth, the dress hugged every inch of her. She had picked it based on what the people coming into the mansion had been wearing, for it had all almost been dark colors. She wore simple flats, so she could move fast if she needed to run.
Her hair had been wrapped up and out of the way, exposing the back of her creamy neck. It was mostly to help hide it, as she tried to imagine what someone might use to recognize her.
Most of all, though, she hoped the mask would divert all suspicion.
It was ornate, red and silver. It covered everything from forehead to nose. Her mouth was glossy in crimson, being constantly chewed by nervous teeth.
Glancing side to side, feeling like she was in some over the top spy movie, Judith scurried down the stairs. It was a fast process, so fast it left her more uneasy. Was success so simple? No one was going to walk into the room at the last second and spot her?
Her palm curled around the handle, touching the red door for the first time. With one last, solid inhale of air, the young woman squeezed tight to open the portal. Quickly, she stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. She barely held back a laugh of relief.
Judith felt giddy, exhilarated! Breaking the rules like this, it wasn't exactly like her, but...
But I did it, and it feels good.
Turning, she saw she was standing at the top of another set of stairs, this one illuminated by orange lamps on the walls. The ceiling was low, and because the walls curved, she couldn't see what was at the bottom.
Well, I've come this far.
Swallowing, she began her descent, trying to be quiet as she did so. The stairs were carpeted, yellow and earthy, the walls a shade darker. It wasn't a long walk, she spotted a small room below. It contained nothing but a set of heavy purple curtains over an archway. A small table sat to the left, clipboard resting on top.
Judith paused beside it, glancing briefly at what was clearly a list of names. Squinting, she wondered if this was a sign-in sheet of sorts. Running a finger down the page, she didn't recognize anyone. Quickly, it became obvious as to why.
These can't be real names, can they? 'Scarlet,' 'Fang,' 'Helm?' What is going on down here?
Distantly, through the curtains, she thought she could hear the soft pulse of music, or perhaps voices. Frowning, she left the list alone. Carefully, she brushed the heavy purple cloth aside. A small crack, just enough so she could peer through to the other side.
There, Judith saw her first glimpse of what, exactly, was beneath Benedict's mansion.
Chapter 6.
It was a large room, wide and with other alcoves leading off to who knew where along the walls. Dark inside, all shadows, the only light source were a few candles here and there. It gave everything a sinister aura, which, as Judith looked on, seemed all too fitting.
People stood around, talking to each other softly. If she hadn't looked twice, it might have seemed innocuous. But there, at the feet of many of them, she saw there were figures kneeling. Everyone still had on their masks, which calmed her some, but the situation was hardly what she had suspected.
Frowning, she wondered what she should do. I could turn, and leave, and no one would know. The people seemed too involved to even think someone was watching them.
As she debated backing out, her curiosity partially sated, Judith heard a sound from one of the archways. It was a raw noise; pure, animal in nature. It sent a tingle down her spine, her lower belly twitching. She knew what that sound was, it wasn't even a question.
That's a woman moaning, but... why?
The noise came again, a groan full of pleasure and passion. Her own body warmed slightly, j
ust from hearing it. She wanted so terribly to know what was making someone create such openly erotic noises. Just a peek at what's further inside, then I'll leave.
Calming her nerves, grateful for the mask that hid her blushing cheeks, she stepped through the curtain as stealthily as possible. Some people glanced her way, but no one acted as if she wasn't welcome. No one seemed to even suspect she didn't belong there.
Just one foot in front of the other.
Crossing the room, she glanced down as she passed one of the couples. The man had his hand on the woman's head, his fingers casually petting her long hair as he spoke to another fellow standing nearby. Judith couldn't help but notice the way the lady seemed to be enjoying it, leaning into the touch with a smile on her lips.
This place, what is it?
Another moan floated down the hall, making her own skin ripple in reaction. Whatever is going on, she sounds like she's enjoying it. Judith rounded the passage, walking the short length of dimly lit corridor. There, at the end, she could see another archway, the curtains spread open.
Her steps slowed as she approached, the fact she was about to sate her curiosity starting to make her wary. But, she crossed the threshold, looking upon a vision that made her cover her mouth.
The woman who had been crying out was bent over a large table, her legs spread, muscles tense and shaking. Judith could see the sweat coating her thighs, her perfectly shaped bare ass pointed into the air. She was naked, breasts crushed beneath her on the hard surface, arms pulled forward and bound at the wrist.
Her ankles were tied to the legs of the table, a position that exposed her glistening pussy fully for any eyes around.
And oh, there were quite a few of those.
Judith bit her tongue to hold her gasp at bay. Observing the room, she scanned the people standing, or lounging comfortably on couches. All of them were watching.